back in 2015 I had my first shamanic ceremony with my teacher, I was astonished how effectively the beats of the drum are connection with earth
before I was a lot in my mind, very airy fairy, never resting, always moving, changing, doing I still love and cherish this part of me that is constantly searching for inspiration and change yet, being a restless mind meant that I had a lot of stress, I could not calm my mind, I was busy with a thousand things and felt like never progressing with anything
grounding helped me to become stable, mentally, financially, physically. Once I learned how to rest and sit with life, I was able to do decisions taken from my gut, I was able to recharge and then fully focused address the tasks at hand, I could build physical strength and loose excess weight, I was able to open up to my spiritual journey, when I felt the most grounded on earth
like a tree, big and stable roots will allow to hold a wide and open crown you have to learn to land, before you can practise to fly, that’s what I learned that day
in the shamanic grounding ceremonies we will together dive deep in the womb of mother earth to reconnect with the core of life and rebuild strength, trust and a sensation of rest and ease
drumming, guidance and meditation will open the channels to the underground, expanding your roots in life to reach the center of the earth <3 empowered throught this fresh energy in your systems past blocks can life, energy flow and you build up the strength to walk your unique path on this earth…