I am so done with obligated giving.
Have you had that? One of those connections with friends, a partner, neighbours, working mates or even a family member. One of those connections where you are happily giving, but never getting something in return.
Don’t get me wrong.
We are here on this planet to give, to share, to love.
But we are also here to be appreciated, supported and be loved.
Sometimes we allow ourselves to be in the position of the giving part, because giving is so much fun!
Seeing another human grow ist he biggest joy to my soul and I get the feeling, of actually doing something good for this world.
Whenever a friend is asking for help, my heart is open.
Whenever a family member needs me, I am there.
Whenever a client wants guidance, I am helping with all my heart.
And I value my time, my love and my energy. So when I feel, like I want to spend time on my projects, meditate or rest. When I feel I need myself, I tell the world I am available tomorrow again. Recharched, refreshed and with a wide wide open heart to love and live as present as I can be.
I sometimes struggle in return to ask for a favor or to make sure, I only give as much as I want to give, but I am aware of it and there is no blame for that, just consciousness and observation.
And I sometimes struggle to simply receive without giving in return, not because I feel obligated, but because I know I have something to give and that is my biggest pleasure.
Life is a beautiful flow and like the moon is telling the waves to come and go when the moment is right, the universal forces keep us in balance of giving and receiving when we are open for it and when we allow ourselfes to listen to our feelings.
This universal flow is what happens with our friends, partners, neighbours, working mates or family members in healthy and balances relationships.
And of Course, the more we are able to receive from those who feel like giving, the more we can give and share, when another one askes for it. Giving and loving is free and unconditional, but you are right to say, I am not giving when I feel this giving is just one way.
You are so right to say, I give, but this time not for free.
You are so right to say, no this time I do not want to give and there is no need for any explanation, because giving is no obligation!
It is your energy, your love, your life, so you decide how and when you want to share it!
And then sometimes, only sometimes when a friend, partner, neighbour, working mate or family member askes you for a favor and you tell them, right now is not the moment for you to be giving or you realize in this particular connection you already have been giving a lot from your heart and it is time now to only give when you receive.
Then a beautiful mirror is happening. The reaction shows you, if it is a one-way relationship, you giving and the other one receiving or if there is compassion, understanding and support for you from the other side.
And there is this peaceful understanding when a mirror appears reacting angry, fearful, sad, worried, blaming or in whichever way, that the other one is in his process and maybe you always giving made it too easy for the other one to be relying on you, trusting you, depending on you.
Maybe you gave too much of your space and heart so willingly away, that now it seems you are holding back what the other one found in you.
Maybe there was a part in you, with everytime giving having the hope of receiving.
Maybe you have been codepending in overspending your powers.
In any case, there is no blame for that, just compassion and observation.
And the understanding, you did the exact right thing in saying:
This time, I am not the one giving!
